Play Chess Online With Friends

Nov 16, 2020 The Internet Chess Club (ICC) is the longest running, most popular, and best place to play chess on the Internet. Join, play, watch, learn and earn money too when you invite your friends to join ICC! Chess - Same Computer - play chess on the same computer and same browser, or same mobile device.

Dive into the world of free online chess games against other players. Test your chess skills. Play with real opponents. No downloads or installations. You are just a few clicks away from your first professional chess match. A large number of online users from different parts of the world won't let you get bored while waiting for the game. You can join existing chess matches against other people, or you can start your own game and pick your opponent by rating. You can decide how long your game will last, because we offer an option allowing you to choose one of several types of games. Playing chess against others is the best way to improve your skill. Competing with a stranger is much more difficult than playing against a computer.

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On you can play chess online against other people at any time of the year, 24/7. In order to start playing chess against others, you just need to register on the site. The registration will give you an opportunity to join online chess battles with other players. You can create your own game where other people, or your friends, can join you. Set your game rules. If you are tired of the long games of classic chess, choose fast Bullet, Blitz or Rapid chess, where each player is allocated from 1 to 20 minutes, and time is a key factor in winning. If you like non-standard solutions, choose a special type of game - Fischer chess, where in the initial arrangement all the pieces are swapped in random order. The wide time control allows you to create batches with a duration from 1 minute to several days. Play chess 1 on 1 against other players and prove that you are the best.

Bullet Chess is a form of the game when a player is given only 1-2 minutes to play chess against others + 1 second for each turn. This type of game is similar to standard chess, and it's quite popular. For many players, less than 1 minute is enough to checkmate, and this is the whole point of Bullet Chess. Play aggressively to force your opponent to spend more time on defense. This will give you an advantage in time and help you to win the game.

Play Chess Online With Friends Android

Blitz Chess is the most common form of quick play. Players are given 3-6 minutes to make all their moves that are required to win. Blitz differs from the standard chess match only in the fastest possible turn calculation. The Blitz game lasts a little longer in chess online with other players, because of the 1 second delay after each turn. Consider the fact that in a real game, you lose a split second when you click on the clock-- the difference is very noticeable. Therefore, a key factor in chess is time. Blitz Chess is a very popular type of game, which is proven by the ongoing international tournaments for blitz games, where the winners were famous chess players like Sven Magnus (champion 2017-2018), Sergei Karjakin (2016), Alexandr Grishchuk (2015).

Rapid chess is a type of chess game where each player is allotted 5 to 20 minutes for the whole game. The rules are simple: the player loses as soon as he runs out of time, or the one who mates first wins. There are two types of Rapid games. When the game is allocated exclusively from 5 to 20 minutes, or the second option, when a few seconds are added to the total time after each turn. Usually serious tournaments follow the rule of adding 10 seconds for each turn. Free online chess games against other players are slowly but surely pushing out classic games with rivals, since this format is so convenient.

Classic chess is associated with something well-established, reliable, and time-tested. In particular, it is. Classic chess games have existed since the start of the official tournaments. In classic games, players are given 60 minutes or more per game. Since the games could last for several hours, until the 1990s there was a practice of “postponing the games” when all the moves were recorded and the game was played the next day. Now it doesn't happen anymore and the match must end the day it was started.

Correspondence chess is a type of chess game where opponents are located at a distance from each other, and the time for one move can be measured in days. With the rapid development of the internet, this is not a problem and chess online against other people is not unusual. Earlier, the process of transferring the moves happened through the telephone, mail, telegraph, which caused a lot of difficulties, but thus gave even more time to move. The longest Correspondence chess game lasted 53 years between Dr Reinhart Straszacker and Dr Hendrik Roelof van Huyssteen.

Fischer chess is a special version of the game created by Robert Fischer - the Eleventh World Chess Champion. He suggested to swap the pieces in the initial arrangement. Read more about Fischer chess here. So are you are tired of standard chess and solutions? Then it's time to discover something new!

Play chess with your friends or play computer
In this case, you can play online chess as easy and free as a guest. Set up a new game with your own model and you can challenge other players in a game or accept a match offer from the available list.

On our website, you can play classic chess online with friends board games against the computer, friends, or any other random opponent. If you choose the chess program, the duration of the game and the skill level can be configured by the chess computer at different levels from easy to difficult.

The level of the game will be matched and configured specifically for you. By training with a chess computer you can withdraw the step you just took & Play chess online with friends

We will not provide any further explanation on how to play chess at this time, as we assume that you are already familiar with the rules of this royal game.

If you do not know the rules of chess, we recommend that you read them to get a basic idea of ​​this strategic board game. We hope you and your friends have lots of fun and good practice on our chess server & How to Play chess online with friends?.

3Top 10 places to play chess online

How to Play chess online with friends

Play chess online at Play directly in your browser or use our free app for Apple iPhone and iPad.

Play chess online with friends and meet your friends in this beautiful place. Always look for opponents of similar energy. Play a fast-paced game, or choose a slow-paced offline game.

Take part in trips to compare with others. View in-depth statistics of your results and check out your finished games and see what others are playing.

Chat with your fellows and choose to receive notifications when a new action or message arrives.

Whether you’re a player or a novice, it doesn’t matter if you want to play bullet-style fast-paced competitive games or casual-like games, if you want to play your old friends or make new ones, we’ve got you.

Chess Online With Friends

Nice people, challenging games – let be the venue for your online chess experience.


  • Connect with Facebook to play with family and friends, or to find and challenge random opponents
  • Draw your wins, defeats, and stats to track your gameplay
  • Restore glory by revisiting existing and past games
  • Encourage your opponent in in-game chat, be arrogant
  • Play multiple games across Android and iOS and online Play

Top 10 places to play chess online

With over 28 million members, is the largest online chess community on the Internet. You can play live broadcast games in chess at different time controls, or letter-style games with traditional days.

Initial subscriptions are free, but premium users get access to additional training features, videos, and statistics.

  • Chess 24

Founded in 2014, Chess 24 has quickly become one of the top chess game and learning sites for net donations. Basic membership is free, but a premium upgrade allows full access to a wealth of training materials such as video series and ebooks.


Premium members have the opportunity to challenge title players during the live stream.

  • Lychees

Lychees is notable as a free and open-source online chess server so you can even embed it on your own website. It offers various online play modes as well as training features and the competition is decent.

While it lacks the movement content of Chess 24 and, Lychees has a quick and quick interface and revolves around clock tournaments.

  • Internet Chess Club (ICC)

The ICC has long been the premier chess site. If you want to play against the International Masters and Grandmasters, the ICC was the best choice. In recent years, however, it has been overtaken by rivals such as and chess.

Membership is not free, but there is a one-month free trial period.

  • FICS: Free Internet Chess Server

FICS is one of the oldest online chess servers. It was originally set up as a free alternative to the ICC when it started charging players for ICC members.

You need to download a compatible interface to play as there is no official interface.

Play Chess Online With Friends is operated by Chasebase, the most popular chess database software maker.

There are fewer powerful players than the ICC, but the site is fully integrated with other ChessBase programs, such as Nawaz software and Freeze.

  • GameKnot

Gamekont is the only large correspondence site with over one million members, and it’s free to play.

The interface is pleasant and contains other features such as a games database, strategy training, and annotations games.

  • Red Hot Pawn

There is another correspondence site with a large player base, Red Hot Pound tournaments, and ladders, as well as teams (the site is called ‘groups’) and other game modes. Basic subscription free with advanced features subscription.


Chaseworld Net is a popular online correspondence chess site, founded by the popular online chess Volga Trifon Gavriel, aka Kingscrasher. Basic membership is free, but there are additional features for paid members.


Much better for casual players than others looking for more basic options and serious competition, offers simple correspondence-style games without any bells or whistles.

The great advantage of this site is that you can play a lot of other games – go to Jiangxi and backgammon and battleships!

1. It practices on both sides of the brain

In a German study, researchers showed simple geometric shapes and chess positions to chess experts and novices and measured the responses of subjects to their identification.

They expected the left brain of the experts to be more active, but they did not expect the right hemisphere of the brain to do the same. Their response times were the same in normal sizes, but experts were using both sides of their brains to respond more quickly to chess position questions.


2. Chess improves key thinking skills

Play chess online with friends iphone

As a game based on processing a combination of logic and a myriad of possible combinations that run at once, it is tailor-made to employ the functions of your brain.

There are many studies that show how chess can increase your thinking power. One way is to do with pattern recognition. Studies by former world champion Gary Kasparov showed how quickly a player of his caliber gained recognition.

It has also been shown that better chess players use both sides of the brain to make decisions, part of the brain’s visual information processing to find patterns, and the analytical aspect is involved in taking the best logical steps.

Other studies highlight the interesting fact that the brains of elite athletes are actually smaller than those of bizarre experts, perhaps pointing to “local contraction” to increase neural skills.

3. This can boost your IQ

Chess has always been an image problem, seen as a game for people with brains and already high IQ. So the situation with chickens and eggs has been a bit: do smart people pay attention to chess, or does chess make them smarter?

At least one study has found that wandering around these knights and stems can actually increase a person’s intelligence. After the 4,000 chess instruction, Venezuela’s 4,000 students saw a significant increase in the IQ scores of both boys and girls studying.

4. It protects ALZHEIMER’S

Since the brain works like a muscle, it needs no biceps or quad exercises to heal and protect from injury. A recent study in The New England Journal of Medicine found that people over the age of 755 who were involved in brain-expanding activities such as chess were less likely to have dementia than their board-non-game-play peers.

Just as untrained muscles tend to lose energy, research author Dr. Robert Friedland discovered that unused brain tissue reduces brain energy. So it’s more of a reason to play chess before the age of 75.

5. The players succeed

The 2012 USV survey also found a clear correlation between being a regular chess player and the different measures of achievement & success. 78% of active chess players are university graduates.

The top 20% of 20% of households play chess regularly. Chess players are 5 times more likely to read in-depth analysis and high-browse publications. These are more likely to be rich, with a 40% chance of buying luxury items.

Peter Thiel, a prominent venture capitalist, co-founder of PayPal, and a leading figure in the 2016 presidential election, is an aspiring chess player. And he is not alone in his fame. Microsoft founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen are known to play each other like the Silicon Valley Titans.

Actor legends Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Marilyn Monroe, and Marlon Brando were lifelong chess aficionados. Such was John Wayne. So great was managing Stanley Kubrick. Other celebrities known for their chess skills include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nicholas Cage, Ray Charles, Ben Affleck, Bono, Will Smith, and Howard Stern.