Not Parent Approved

“This kind of game will stretch your mind, and your social skills, in unusual directions.”
-Christopher Charbis, Game ON Columnist at The Wall Street Journal

“Yes to this game. I have teenagers and a nine-year-old and the things they love to do together before this game is nothing. BUT they will all happily sit down and play this game together for hours.”
-Heather D. Brooks, Five-Star Amazon Reviewer

Not parent approved instructions

Don't forget to subscribe at not to like about a game that boasts being “not parent approved” and yet for us parents offer. Not Parent Approved is Like 'Hiding Medicine Inside Candy.' Starts with burps, ends with 'snot-out-of-your-nose' laughter Your entire family will enjoy countless hours of belly-aching laughter as each one takes turns being the Burp Boss and the other players create the weirdest and funniest question and answer combinations. Not Parent Approved is a family card game for mischief-makers 8+.

Not Parent Approved Card Game Reviews

“I love Cards Against Humanity and was excited to see a version for kids. My kids took an immediate liking to it and now I can watch more Game of Thrones on Saturday nights. Win-win.”
-Hugh W., Five-Star Amazon Reviewer

“So great to see my kids’ eyeballs again!”
-Jen Levinson, Founder of Jen’s List: The Mom’s Guide to What’s Hot, Blogger at Momipedia, Mom to 5 boys

Not Parent Approved Game Target

“Brought this to Thanksgiving this year and had three generations in stitches for several hours.”
-Katherine C. Murphy, Five-Star Amazon Reviewer

Not Parent Approved Where To Buy

“Not Parent Approved secretly teaches social skills like hiding medicine inside candy.”
-Matthew Lieberman, Phd, Author of Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect

“I have never heard my kids laugh so much!”
-NYJAY, Five-Star Amazon Reviewer

“I want to be called the Burp Boss all the time!”
-Sydney, Age 10

“Oh, and my kids’ favorite part? Deciding who goes first; as per the official Not Parent Approved rules, this is determined by hosting a burp-off.”
-Liz Gumbinner, Editor-In-Chief, Cool Mom Picks

Not Parent Approved

“I could not stop laughing.”
-Grandma Mary